Is a fun simple shoot-em-up game.

User Rating: 8.4 | Project: Snowblind XBOX
Its not like this game is very new or innovative but it sure is fun for a Halo wannabe.
The gamplay is really simple but it is fun to shoot lots of people with some cool weoponry. The game also has a multiplayer mode but you can only use by sistem link or Xbox live.
The graphics are great and the sound is worthy even with little amounts of dialouge.
The story is simple the good guys send you a robo enhanced super soldier to take care of a giant Emp bomb that will turn off all technology permenetly. You probably wont really listen to the story which is really fast paced and the main baddie dies sometime before the end. There is als alot of death any characters you will get to know will die shortly in the story none the less the cutscenes are cool.
Abig drawback is short lenth but hopefully the goodness of the game will relieve the pain.