Very enjoyable sci-fi action FPS with just enough point of difference to make it better than your average FPS
So you are trust into the role of a super soldier - who is basically set the task of saving the world (killing a evil general and stopping a doomsday device....).
The setting is awesome - very cyber, sci-fi cities and locations which have a futurist feel about them. The graphics are pretty good and although not completely detailed they portray the atmosphere (which is kind of eruo-asian) well.
The weapons available are varied and range from the standard assault rifle, sniper etc through to a rail gun and rocket launcher. Most have a alternate fire option which just adds to your fire power........The only downside is that you can't drop a weapon that you don't want to use (ie: pistol) and so you find yourself cycling through about 9 or 10 weapons when you want to quickly change from one that has run out of ammo.
The D-pad is used to change through your grenades (a large variety), your abilities and your weapons - although it is not ideal and can lead to some frustrating moments in battles it is generally the best way to do this function and only takes a little while to get used to.
It has many cool features - things like throwing a grenade (black button) and then if you press it again you can explode it........if you hit the back button it marks where your objective is and where the next save point is (it works on the checkpoint system)
Your extra abilities are what sets it apart from other FPS and although you won't find yourself using them all they are great to use and enhance the is awesome to run at enemies with a ballestic shield up.
The action is fast-paced and the battles are well handled - the enemy AI is generally pretty good. For all of your weapons and extra abilities the bad guys still give you a run for your money. There are a few vehicles and gun turrets to use but they aren't really focused on. The voice-acting is pretty good and the story is pretty basic but well done.
The game is fairly short (about 10 hours) but it is extremely enjoyable due to it's overall feel and the way you are continually in the action.
It reminds me a lot of Republic Commando without the squad.
It is kind of a underrated game which is unfortunate because it has more to offer than just the standard FPS game.
As they say - it is 'just plain fun....'