a game for those who can enjoy life :)
the graphics.. the sound.. everything about it is purpositally done this way so that the player can experience his/her own graphics... sound.. everything through his own imagination. its about living another person's dream through your own, sharing both dreams like making love. its not to be played like you watch a porn and have to mimic and follow orders, its like watching yourself doing love with someone else on a creative way. now... the reason because the majority here seems unable to do so, is because society is designed in a way that the majority can only function as robots who need instructions on what to do and how to proceed. this game is scary for those people.. it challenges them out of their robotic trance and all the years of training they had to become like that. "what about the consequences?" they ask. isnt it known allready that those who challenge the norm are allways crucified by others?
but let me ask you.. are you a robot? I am certain you are not... and you can experience this game the way its meant to be experienced whenever you want, your way. there is no one to tell you where to go or what to do.. its your choice, and thats how life is suposed to be enjoyed! its someone else's dream shared with you, shared with love. someone had to spend days of its life to bring this experience to you, so that you two could make love.. those who can only make war will not understand this, those who cannot make love with life itself. there are no guns nor weapons.. there is nothing to do.. its a walk through a dream, and a beautifull one, like a meditation.
when you understand really how it is to share dreams with anyone else, how it is to see color through someone else's eyes or hear music through theirs ears.. then when you walk away of the monitor and cross with a tree, or a child, or a spirit.. you will certainly share that experience with them on a conscious way.. with love. on this state you do not wait for anything, for you are allways making love with life, with every geometric shape in front of you no matter how boring it seems to others who cannot see. anyone who's not counscious, who is asleep, can only live like a robot. and thats not even called living, but surviving. this game is about living.. most other games are about surviving.. can you understand the difference? can you wake up from your survival, from your following of orders, and take the lead on the role of your life?