Well... it made me reevaluate the majesty of low budget graphics whilst providing an ambiance that is hard to come by in a video game. But honestly who are they kidding, I could get the same experience from my desktop background and a sounds of nature soundtrack. Many other reviewers have compared this game to minecraft in the way that it creates a randomly generated world for you to explore. But what Minecraft did right and Proteus ignored was in providing a means of self entertainment. I don't have the heart to delete the game from my computer because I did enjoy the atmosphere and might one day choose to load it back up just so I can get lost in a pretty place and think, but i can think of a long list of MMO's as well as the super popular minecraft that would fill this personal escape need better. Thankfully it came in the humble indie pack else I'd never of payed for it.
Proteus launches, and I am standing in the ocean, looking at an island in the distance. Everything I can see is constructed out of blocky, Atari-2600-ish pixels. Not knowing my purpose in this world, I slowly tread water... Read Full Review
Proteus is the sort of game best pegged under the "interactive museum" moniker: it is in a first-person perspective, and you are exploring an island, with a look resembling one of those old Atari games, only done with mo... Read Full Review