Is Prototype 2 better than Prototype 1?

User Rating: 8 | Prototype 2 X360
Pros and cons, comparative review (because I can't review games well):


Story: The first Prototype game had too many loopholes or things that were never explained like the fate of Mercers sister and so forth. Story telling was amateurishly written and stupid. The story telling for Prototype 2 improved greatly. Some people may out this game as one dimensional and all this game is about is Heller cussing out the people he kills. Of course it's high and likely these folks didn't even wait through the story telling scenarios so they lost all credibility as human beings.

Abilities and Gameplay: Though it feels as though there is less abilities in P. 2 than in P. 1, the new powers you obtain are fun. The bio-bomb (in stealth or combat) explodes tendrils and does significant damage, the new mutation weapon (I call it) Tendrils Hands is great, you can call upon hunters to do your binding, flip over your opponents, deflect attacks and missiles, rip-off big guns from vehicles, instant kill vehicles and the other mutation weapons like claws, whip, hammer fist and blade are funner to use than the previous and you can use two of them at a time combining them in combat. But......... (cont. in cons)

Graphics and Physics: Much better than the first with better looking movie cut scenes, better detail of the environment and people, people don't magically disappear when you swipe a ton of them will your whip and the physics has improved some but sort of feels the same as the first.


Length: The game felt too short. Even with the Blackwatch side missions, lairs, Blackwatch box collecting, it felt somewhat ephemeral. Guess they COULD OF just put the Radnet crap into the game from the get-go but OH NO! I hate you on-liners. :P

Abilities and Gameplay: THE TARGETING SYSTEM IS TERRIBLE!!!! Not enough to bring down this game to a halt but I HATED the TARGETING SYSTEM! Did this ever cross your minds? NO? Horrible! The reintroduction of the mutation weapons was a little let-down. I liked that they switched it up some to make it feel different from the previous but for me it somewhat lacked appeal. Could of taken out the blade and replaced it with something new and better but the blade still remains the most worthless weapon in the game like the previous. They didn't bring back the hammer throw which sucked but that's my nit-pickiness. Another thing is that there seems to be far less abilities in P. 2 than in P. 1. I mean yes you can upgrade Heller to make him God and all that happy horse **** but upgrading feels sort of lame. I see the potential in upgrading the hammer fist and blade but somehow I don't sense a difference when upgrading the other mutation weapons other than how far the reach is with them. And the fact that you only have 2 devastators like the Hunter Control and the kill 'em all devastator while the first had 4, it's abating the abundance of things so up yours. Hardly any of the vehicles are different from the previous. THEY DIDN'T EVEN BRING BACK THAT BAD-ASS TANK WITH THAT BIG-ASS EXPLOSION THING! Instead you get a helicopter that shoots a lame Thermos thingy. Ugh! And the Hunter ability is lacking. It's easy to figure out but it's not really useful unless your on a mission. It could of been a better aspect if you want to hunt down certain people for higher XP points or to just randomly find certain people who have vast knowledge of the the corruption of Blackwatch or what-have-you on Free Roam like in the P. 1 when you were randomly hunting and consuming people with a red human head symbol. But alas, Hunter ability is a failure. Plus this game needed a stealthy like distraction so it won't be quite as frustrating to stealth kill your opponents without some **** watching you.

Missions: Not really a big deal for me but yes, they tend to get repetitive after a while. And yes the final mission was horrible. P. 1 final mission was WAY better and I'll argue it to death. Logic undeniable suckaz.

Conclusion: Better than the first? In someways yes like story telling, combat and graphics plus the fact I love any conception pertaining to biological warfare. But it fails to deliver by not giving more abilities and side mission content than the first (unless you have the Radnet Edition which is meaningless to implement online when they could of just put it in the game in the first place AND YES I KNOW IT'S FREE! SHUT UP!) and upgrading is a little futile. So thus, an 8 shall suffice.