Takes Prototype base and makes it's enjoyable for all, assuming the occasional crash doesn't drive you nuts.
I am not a fan of the original Prototype, I enjoyed it for a few hours then felt overwhelmed with the controls/action/and difficulty. This game takes what I enjoyed about the original and stretches it out for many hours of continual fun progress and leaves out the frustrations.
If you're familiar with the original you'll know you have a plethora of abilities at your whim to whip enemy asses. Prototype 2 is much better at dosing those abilities out and powering them up. Also it gives you options, of how/when to use them whereas in the original you felt forced down certain power paths in order to succeed and move the story forward. In Prototype 2 you can choose the power ups you want to play either stealthily, hulkingly, or tankly or some combination in between. Myself I enjoy going in swinging then dashing out/hiding to recover health then jumping back in.
The stealth component is fun itself. The stealth system is somewhat of a strategy game within the game itself. You have to figure out the pattern of order to stealth kill a bunch of enemies as you can't stealth someone being watched by another soldier. Later in the game you gain a bio bomb ability that can also be used as a distraction making stealth play even more viable in larger groups.
The viable combat options and tactics is what make Prototype 2 so enjoyable. You can play the game as a FPS, or as a stealth game, or as a super power mutant game (Darksiders), or any combination of those.
This sequel is much more forgiving for the button challenged. Missions have plenty of paths to take in order to recharge and make them easier to complete. As you progress the number of minions around increases, but the side effect is that there are more targets to consume to recharge health which keeps the difficulty manageable.
This game would get an even higher score from me if not for the occasional crashes and less than stellar mouse/keyboard controls. However, unlike most shooters this game doesn't require mouse accurate aiming so the xbox controller works great with this game and I recommend using it. If you're a die hard mouse/kb guy the game is playable that way, just not as enjoycontrollable.
Despite it's rough edges the brutal violence and flexible action along with the ability to customize to your likings make this a winning game.