The 2nd version will be better
Those are reallll sweet, everything looks awesome the city landscape you can walk on is detailed and everything is different. I believe it takes place in New york. Alex Mercer looks a little boring and his clothes don't really make himself look cool enough. Until he goes crazy and transforms, which is also pretty. You will see clones of people walking in the streets of new york. But hey... no game has different people walking around.
Is very nice and creative. You uncover the story of Alex Mercer, through flashbacks and what not. They used real people for some of it so that's cool. It's really one you have to unravel on your own.
Confusing on the PC easier on the counsel. It all controls smoothly and you are just fast. You transform in different forms that meet certain requirements of fighting. You need them all and they all rock in their own way.
It's not Infamous (Oh Haha. I'm so lonely.) Anyways this game is definitely a brawler game and not one where you just kill easy. There will be times you gotta take em down in a fist fight.