Fun Game But Lacking A Few Elements

User Rating: 8 | Prototype X360
This game by far opens up some new areas in gaming. But being able to duplicate an enemies appearance just isn't enough.

This game is fun but it is lacking in multiplayer and mission variety. The game is great in the fact that you have a great variety of ways to kill enemies such as slashing them to death with the claws or blade or bashing their head in and consuming them for health or maybe even hijack a helicopter and go to town with 2 types of missils and a maching gun. Sounds fun right? Well for you it might be but for me it just got old. It is entertaining for the first few plays but get old fast. So after you get bored going around and randomly killing people you decide to do a few mission and get some upgrades for a little variety, well the upgrades are great but the missions are always go here kill or consume them come back and get your exp. reward but again after some fun with your new upgrades it gets old. This game is very fun but needs some game variety so I will classify this game in a few catigories 1-5 5 being best.




overall- 4

Great game but would be better if they added in some variety and mabe more ranged abilities.