Awesome... just awesome. A beat em' up/hack and slash dream come true
Gameplay: Smooth gameplay leads to many dead infected, military and civilians. whilst it can get annoying when you accidentally over jump or get stuck running under roofs, it is easy to manoeuvre through out the game. Whilst not that many of them the bosses in the game are difficult but not frustrating, thank god, that is unless you play it on hard difficulty. Running low on life, consume that guy over there, need to get away from someone, disguise yourself then walk right passed them.
Story: Pretty decent plot line, enough to make it seem like there is a reason behind your need to kill and consume people (some times I need to feel like it's justified). Starts off near the end and then you play through and Alex (your character) tells the story before leading into the sort of predictable ending (if your like me and watches way too many movies). I personally wanted to consume everyone possible to fill in as much of the story as I could. Not too major though, can easily get through the game and not care or pay attention to it and still have fun.
Abilities: Big enough range to help make sure you don't get bored with what your able use against the enemy, I had only just about managed to unlock all but 2 or 3 of them by the time I finished the story of the game.
Events: Movement, Gliding, War, Consuming... Kind of like side missions I guess. Movement events can very easily become frustrating, you may want to have a spare controller on hand especially if your going for gold or platinum. Gliding events are pretty simple. War, kill as many as you can in a limited time, best used when in need of a mindless killing spree. Consuming events = consume x amount of people in x amount of time, adds little bits to the story for those of us interested, small cut scene once all of them are done...
Complaints: The writing is teeny tiny and unless your paying on 40 inches plus tvs almost impossible to read. It can at times be annoying when targeting enemies as who the game thinks is the most important enemy to target doesn't match who you would think the most important enemy is.
Re-playability: Well I'm on my 3rd play through, not just because I love achievements but because I still WANT to play.
Overall: Loved this game, you should definitely try it.