very very VERY repetitive
so you're this guy Alex Mercer.he got infected by some virus now he has the urge to kill anything that moves and find the guy who did this to him. sounds awesome doesn't it?WRONG!!! sure it sounds cool,but once you play it you will find it very repetitive.i mean every single mission is "kill this guy consume that guy destroy this base kill that guy consume this guy"so on and so gets boring after a couple hours.and we all expected swearing in this game, but Jesus Christ,you can take 2 steps before someone drops the f bomb. in every cut scene they say it too!instead of the back saying mild language they should say swearing it every single sentence.and also, i have never seen so much blood in a game before.seriously,you're decapitating people and slicing their arms off and eating them every second.another thing is the graphics. i mean everything is just the same gray building. then things just pop out of nowhere!like if you are standing 1 step in a place you take one more step a tree will pop right in front of you!but the only good parts of the game were riding in helicopters and tanks.that was i will say,the game is fun at the beginning but it gets boring if you were thinking of getting this,rent will keep you entertained for the weekend.