Prototype is truely a prototype.
The harsh answer is No. I wasted $5 in gas to pick up this game then return it for a store credit. I played for a total of 5 hours today and I must say I am not impressed. The best part of the game would have to be... Yes, that CG trailer that they displayed. The worst part of the game is well, everything else.
The story is completely shallow and predictable and feels very rushed.
They really should had put more effort into the game... This game should have been delayed until about Spring 2010 or Holiday 09. You can feel and see how rushed it is. Virtually every texture is fuzzy, pixelated, and worst of all uninteresting. The main character is very uninspired... But I guess now-a-days Hoodie + Leather Jacket = AWESOME. So generic...
Then I thought, how could the presentation be any worse? Answer, Zombies. Do we really need another god damn game with Zombies in it? No new ideas... Pathetic.
Aside from horrible presentation, the gameplay is ridiculously easy. This game was crafted and tailored to make angry adolescents feel powerful and "XTREME" much like everything else in this day in age.
The "diversity" is nonexistent in the campaign. The reoccuring theme of the game is Kill Citizens with no penalty -> Kill Zombies -> Shape Shift Repeat. Oh, I almost forgot, you can change your player model through the use of XTREME ABSORBTION.
The effects when you absorb are just disgusting... You cant tell if it's blood or tar.
Animations... Dear god... Some of them are on par with a ps1 game. They are so robotic it's comical. The worst would have to be the Hi-Jacking HeliCopter Animation. Then the Falling with Style. The falling with style is so stiff... It's hard to look at and not laugh.
Imagine how much worse the final product... if you can even call it that, would be if they added multiplayer to boost sales? I don't even want to think about that...
Then again, this is my opinion, yours might be different. But for god's sake Rent it first.