Prototype tries to much
When i play Prototype i cant help but feel that Alex should big and green, I mean Alex does virtually the same moves that they used in Ultimate Destruction, the same running up buildings, the same jumping and the same elbow drops and the same can be said for what Prototype 'borrows' from Web of Shadows but even more so.
The graphics can look so sweet on the ground but venture to the top of a building and you start to see some real problems, eg, the pop in, buildings, cars and even orbs that you have to find by looking for them only appear if your standing close enough, run down the other side of the street and you wont even see them.
One thing i have to give Prototype is the storyline, although i was finding the gameplay some what infuriating, the story line made me want to play on.
So to some up, I think Prototype was a major let down, almost every thing this game trys to do other games have done so much better,