Despite several setbacks, the game has a tendency to take a hold of your free time like a rampant virus.

User Rating: 7.5 | Prototype X360
I don't remember the first day I heard about Prototype, but I've definitely been hyped to the max ever since. A huge sandbox with you, an awesome, shape shifting, all-consuming, super human/virus with every ability under the sun anti-hero is definitely a lot of fun.

Graphics (7.0/10):
The graphics in Prototype are very, very dated. The game felt more like a video game based off a movie. You know, the kind of games that SUCK (i.e., Iron Man, Transformers, etc.) Even the custscenes are easily outdone by practically every game on the market. And the environment is so bland and repetitive, it's just four-story building after four-story building. No variety. Your character and his forms, however, are amazing and just bad-ass to stare at.

Sound (8.5/10):
Sound-wise, the game is alright. Nothing special, but definitely nothing bad. Nothing really stands out.

Gameplay/Story (9.0/10):
The gameplay is very tight and consecutive, but there are bumps and bruises. Being knocked down is insanely irritating and allows enemies precious seconds to harp on you while you're down. For some reason, you just can't get up. The difficulty is pretty damn tough, especially on easy. It's more challenging than frustrating, however. Sometimes, while free running over rooftops, the game may accidentally send you in a direction you did not want to go in and you end up landing in a Blackwatch controlled area, loaded with troops or by a bunch of tanks that are ready to rip you apart. The gameplay can get repetitive, but honestly, using your insane parkour skills to run over rooftops while covered in bad-ass viral shielding with a huge blade attached to your arm is always fun. Rampaging through streets of infected, whether it be in a tank of YOU as the tank, you can do that for HOURS! The greatest part of the gameplay is the different forms and attack system. Different forms have different attacks for different enemies and ranges and you can combine them with your shielding and attack combos for crazily devastating combos that make you feel godly. The fighting system is SUPERB, and you'll WANT to get into fights just to take advantage of the amazing gameplay. Or even just to kill innocents. It sucks you in and you really just can't put the controller down. And did I mention the boss battles are tons of fun? They remind me of classic boss battles (examples, hit the guy on the head three times, stuff like that, where you have to hit the enemy enough to reveal his weak spot) As for the story, it's definitely great. While a little hard to follow, the twists and meat of the story will definitely keep you interested. And Alex Mercer is just a bad ass. I definitely loved the story.

Lastability (8.510): The game, while difficult, is more so challenging than difficult and you'll NEVER put the controller down until you complete that mission you've been dying to beat... literally. The enemies are fun and varied, from the easy to slaughter Blackwatch troopers, to the insanely difficult Hunter Hybrids. And the boss battles will keep you on the edge of your seat, white knuckles practically attatched to the controller. You can even start the game over to beat certain things you've missed with all of your powers from the previous save you had. So yeah. Starting the game over with all powers is definitely a bonus.

Final Comment:
Prototype could definitely use more polish on graphics, mission types, difficulty, and some gamplay errs, which keep it from it's full potential, but the AMAZING gameplay, story, boss battles, free roaming abilities, and combat system will keep you going for hours on end. LITERALLY, hours on end. This game just sucks you in. An 8 out of 10.