Give it a spin the brutality and fun side overshadows flaws for this title.
Ah well technical issues aside game is a blast. That is if you like a pure uninterrupted brutality among with some other quite interesting additions.
The game starts with Alex (main character) having very few powers and aside from running on walls and clawing pedestrians into shreds you don't get much but the further you go with main story missions the more upgrades you unlock and boy does that make a difference. Once all the stuff unlocked the amount of ways to dispatch something is .... quite large(hammer fist spring special hitting a poor civilian has got to be the funniest thing ever). I will not give out details on powers but while the first impression is that some powers are a lot more useful then others the opinion changes the further you get and on higher difficulties of game. Free roaming is great and always keeps you occupied but eventually if you stay in same stage of infection of city it gets blend sadly the layout of infected hives or military bases does not change whether you tear that base to pieces or not... it will just come back sooner or later which is kind of lame --_--... anyway the further you go with main story the larger portion of city becomes infected and military bases get much more complicated to get into... lets say while your on mission 5 or so you could just waltz right in... while on mission 30..... you will ether spend some time getting rid of things that can detect you or you need to bring a small artillery squad to break base mostly so you can get in.
Story missions could have used some work some things can get buggy it seems even though i never seen said bugs myself. But all in all they were fun to do. Game also features events and there is a bunch of different types of events way point sprint(think running from point a to b to c and so on) glide evens( ummm you glide to specific location sometimes glide over under and around obstacles) there's also multitude of killing evens where you ether use specific powers or weapons or vehicles to kill specific targets also wars where you are fighting against enemy while allied with the other faction( fighting with infected against military or vise verse) and lastly consume events which are ehh hard to explain because they vary in objectives too much. Also lets not forget about WOI (web of intrigue) I think that's the spelling ehh... basically Alex gains memories of whoever he consumes that's the main plot mover and WOI is a network of memories( clips with info) that you fill out by consuming ether story related targets or somebody just walking around the city or on a military base or what not, all WOI targets that are outside of main story missions are marked and you can try to fill out all 100%
All in all plenty to do, plenty of poor things to mutilate or otherwise dispatch in some gory way plenty of flying and driving tanks and plenty events to challenge you for gold medals. Great fun and for quite a few hours.
Technically sadly I can't say anything... game suffers from major sound problem and it doesn't seem like we will get a patch so ether be happy if you have vista and can change default output for your sound card if you have issues or suffer no real sound during any kind of clips/in-game scene or main menu in game sound works fine tho..... even clips and all that work fine once in blue moon.
Game only starts to severely lag if you have sound issues which seem to directly cause ever all performance lag.