Best in series.... so far
Don't get me wrong i rated this game rather highly, more than it deserves in some places, but the places where it exceled it more than made up for the bad points that were poor.
The best parts of the game are when you are running around the city, it's straight forward to get around the city, but untill you have all the movement upgrades the movement is abit slow and clunky, but you do unlock the movement skill rather fast and soon. Falling from the top of a sky scraper and landing with a huge sonic boom and causing splash damage looks fantastic but can slow you right down when you are in the chase.
The fighting at the start is very gorey and tight, but after abit the fighting main becomes hit, run and hit again, after so long you can no longer stand toe to toe with enermys because there are so many diffrent enermys in the same place you have to keep on the move to protect your self. The combat goes from easy to breaking point in a flash if you are fighting the infected get ready to run and come back (weather or not it is because i didn't learn how to fight them) because they just swarm you like angry bees and alot of them can knock you back or interupt your attacks. That's just the infected, when you go to attack the army you will usually have to start with stealth tatics, at the start and about half way though this is easy enough but after that it becomes so hard you just leave it.
The powers you gain are fantastic and most of them have loads of diffrent attacks you can purchase with EP (Evolution point basicly XP for you RPG and MMRPG players) which is easy to get hold of if you know what you are doing, like me, some powers are more useful than others and knowing when to use them is something you have to learn quick and fast or you will have you A**e handed to you.
Now the bad points and there are tons, of bad things the story has so many holes you might as well call it swiss cheese, i put this down to the animator being lazy or just bad story telling, the main points are still brought across nicely, but that's all brought across none of the other parts of the story aren't explaned enough. The main character has a very very small back story he could do with so much more story to help you relate too.
Like that blond woman who screws you over i know what happens and why she screws you over but it's still not clear there is more that could be explored on this story branch, she's there then she's gone you find her but the scene attached at this point is short and not very explanatory does she die? or does he let her go?
Most of it might be because i've missed most of the last memory nodes becuase i lost intrest i just wanted to get it over with/ i couldn't find them
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The items you can collect though out the game can be rahter useless, you don't unlock any content such as special upgrades, videos or costumes. The only thing you really do unlock are memory nodes that "unlocks" the dark corners of the story though some really flashy scenes that are enjoyable to watch, you even get the "web of intrigue" which you can vist and rewatch all the nodes you find to help you peace together the story if you have forgotten the past node.
The other anoying part are the side missions they lack ANY story or reason behind why you are doing them, the only reason you get for doing them is that they are worth loads of EP and let you fine tune some of your skills but the lack of reasons for doing this really stood out like a sore thumb on a console gamer. Just a tiny bit of a back story here or a reason behind it would help the passing of the game so much easier.
So sorry about the length of the review, this game has so much to talk about both good and bad, i would recommend this game to anyone who is feeling bloody and like a engaging romp across N.Y.C (and by that i mean the get round the city not the story)
Thank you for reading, If you can bring your self to read it lol