A gory game that is so much fun that you will not stop playing

User Rating: 9.5 | Prototype X360
Before I even touched the game, I was reading the reviews and read them and said to myself, it seems that the only problem was because of the city looking bland. I can agree as it seems boxy and doesn't look that good. But other than that I had no major problems with the game.

You play as Alex Mercer, a shapeshifter who can transform his body into armor, weapons and able to see infected enemies clearer. Though the story is not that deep, it is not terrible. You can understand the story but you will mostly figure out what happened to Alex Mercer by consuming special targets that were apart of Alex's "birth of powers". The cutscenes don't get into detail but you learn from consuming humans. The gameplay is where Prototype is at it's highest as Alex can shift his body into blades and other weapons of destruction. Prototype comes with a variety of moves you can learn to make the gameplay very satisfying. You can also disguise yourself as a soldier after consuming him and enter military bases secretly and tear it up from the inside. Though the bases look all alike, it is still fun to center yourself in the bases and unleash a devastating attack to wipe out everyone in range. Your weapons can be upgraded and frequently by using experience points that you receive after doing side missions, story missions or destroying infected bases or military bases. To regain health you consume anybody on the streets of New York City to replenish it and it comes in handy when you are running away from tanks and helicopters when you are low on health. The difficulty for Prototype can become hard at some missions but this gives the game more of a challenge as you are basically the most powerful being in New York City. The game is bloody. You can kill anyone in many ways from slicing them in half to curb stomping their heads, Prototype will not disappoint. The game is more of a God of War when it comes to the blood. If you have a weak stomach, I don't suggest this to you. In some cases I could say that Prototype does too far with the gore (mainly when you jump in the air and slide on the human body as if it was a surf board) but it was fun to play either way. The game will probably take you 10 hours to complete and it is very enjoyable every minute. Prototype is vulgar as well. The game will throw out the f-bomb a lot so keep an eye out for that.

OVERALL: I don't see why critics thought it was a descent game. I, being a fan of mature games, had fun playing Prototype. A whole city to explore right from the start, intense battles against you, the military and the infected are both fun and action packed. I recommend this to anyone who has this game to their console if you don't mind a lot of gore and vulgarity.