Any person that can handle a "M" game must buy this.

User Rating: 9.6 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy PS2
This game is a Sci-Fi game that has some aweome gameplay. You play as Nick Scryer, a leader of the strongest army in the universe. You get your mind erased and all of your men are pretty much dead. You are also the strongest person in the universe but you lose all your powers and strength. Slowly you gain your powers back one by one. Your powers are: telekenisis, pyrokenisis, mind control, mind drain, and a power to see through walls. The gameplay consists of running around shooting guys or using your awesome powers. Another cool thing about this game is the gore. There is alot of it. And there is about a million ways to kill each enemy. Theres not much more I can explain about this masterpiece. If you like Sci-Fi games or shooter games do yourself a huge favor and pick this game up. After you beat it you probably won't play it for awhile though.