User Rating: 9.1 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy PS2
The gameplay is my favorite part of the game. It's gory, it has fantastic physics, and playing the game is kinda funny. Why? One of my favorite powers is TK (Telekinesis), where you make enemies float in the air under your control, and throw them. It's comedy! I usually TK my enemies into exploding barrels and watch their burnt bodies fly and all I do is laugh and laugh and laugh! TKing the enemies on the edge of somewhere is fun because I like seeing them flipping in the air and screaming! It's great I tell you! Remember, your mind is the ultimate weapon in this game. You really need to know and use the powers in this game. The powers are Telekinesis, Remote Viewing, Mind Drain, Mind Control, Aura View, and Pyrokinesis.
The graphics are great! Especially in the cutscenes. The gameplay graphics are also great. Great graphics in all.
The sound is good. There was this part where I heard a really good joke. I was learning in the game to use MD (Mind Drain), and in the training, I had to MD an unsuspecting guard until his head explodes. When I did that, the trainer said: "That's gotta hurt. These guys will never get "ahead" with that job hehe". Get it? The guy will never progress in his job, and his head exploded leaving him headless. Pretty funny huh? The sound is good overall.
If you're smart and like violent games, this is the game for you.