one of midways best games so far! psi-ops is a highly recommended game!!!
User Rating: 10 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy PS2
the game is really fun to play, pretty difficult and chalenging to, u have the ablity to use wepons, psi powers, and wepon hits, ure character nick scryer, worked for mindgate and the miltary erased ure memory and u a soilder, this game has a terriost background which is fun, the ure enimies side The Movement which is lead by The General And ure old freind Barret, including others that nick has know in the past, or some that he has not met, ure psi abilties are, teleknesis, pryoknesis, mind control, mind drain, and auro view, the games background for combat is stunning and the eniemies is all that u can ask for, but still, if ure not a fan of first person shooters, u won't like psi-ops the mindgate conspiracy