Pretty neat...
User Rating: 8.4 | Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy XBOX
I found myself buying another game one day and it happened to Psi-Ops Mind Gate Conspiracy... and I thought it was pretty cool. The telekensis in the game was something cool that you don't see in many very games. They did a good job of putting, this in the game and letting you use it on anything you want. Beside that, you can use mind control, and many other cool powers that makes the game shine. The only problem was that the Story was so hard to get into. The first 5 minutes, your like "WOW" great story, then it goes downhill from there. The story was corny and could of been better. The graphics are good, giving the fact that you can move any object in the game. The gore and blood is so intense, its so beautiful at the same time. To me, this game will never get old, because I can go in grab someone and throwing their bodys in a fan or a wall. Also, what will keep me busy, is the extra stuff you have to unlock and extra missions you can play. Many Adventure type games, leave replay out of the game, but this game didn't. This game is well worth getting and is eye-appealing when you first get it. The is a great game to put your angry and happiness on. (If you know what i mean) Buy this game , its definatly worth it. (Its only 18.00 to 20.00 bucks)