Psychonauts is an Incredible adventure worthy of a spot in The PS2 Library.
Psychonauts begins with Raz having only a few standard attacks, but as his training commences he gains powerful Psychic ability's that enable him to do a wide variety of Combat and Platforming. The key to gaining new ability's is leveling up your Psycadet Rank. As you collect various collectibles, you rank will gradually increase and you will be given new powers. Psychic ability's include the power to shoot projectiles, levitate, Shield yourself, confuse enemies, use telekinesis as well as other powerful Psychic ability's.
The games strongest quality is the Graphics, Through out Raz's Adventure you will encounter some of the most creative level and character designs that really add to the overall experience. The worlds are sometimes Twisted, sometimes bleak, and sometimes downright demented. Each world is located in a characters Mind, so each world is a representation of that characters inner Psyche and since many of the characters are emotionally disturbed, this leads to some truly imaginative worlds.
You will enter these worlds to solve a problem or obtain a certain Item to progress the story line. Sometimes the Levels are a Straight forward Platform to the end type of affair and sometimes a particular world will take on more of an adventure game feel, requiring you to obtain Items or talk to people in order to advance. No two worlds are alike and you will encounter a wide variety of minds from a retired Military general's Mental battlefield to a menacing Lung Fish's Internal Fish filled City to a aging Actress's inner theater production. The Variety is astounding and no one world plays like another.
The Art production in these worlds is absolutely incredible and the attention to detail is amazing. Each world teems with life and small details. from the small animals scurrying about to the Enemies that sometimes appear out of nowhere. There is an incredible sense of ambiance in Psychonauts.
of nearly equal quality is the games sound. The entire story is Voice Acted and the VO work is very well done. Each character has a personality to them and even the most minute sound effects are done with a great quality to them. There is a lot of conversation in Psychonauts and it is refreshing to witness voice acting worthy of the story being told.
Psychonauts is a great game that deserves it's place at the top of action platformer genre because of it's charm and incredible personality. Even by todays standards, Psychonauts holds up really well and is a game that needs a Sequel.