and original claassic, simply the best origanal xbox game ever, or better the best game of all time. buy it please buy!!
STORY: you play as Rasputant or Raz for short, a 10 year old psychic who want's to go to a psychic summer camp but his dad won't let him. so raz runs away from his circus to join the camp and become a psychonaut. when he gets to camp he find out he is not really welcome and the counslers say that his dad will pick him up tomarow so raz has to get all his maret badges and become a psychonauts in 1 day yeah usally in games it's 3 days but not for this one it's 1 day but don't worry, you're not timed on this game so you can run around the camp for as long as you want. now as raz is in the camp he finds out an evil plan that an evil dentist is harvisting kids brains and putting them into psychic death tanks to take over the world, so now it's up to Raz to save the world.
GAMEPLAY: now if you look at the screen shots of this game, yes psychonauts is a platformer, wow don't really see that much good platformers these days except for mario and zelda and ECT. psychonauts runs like you get new powers as you progress and level up as you collect things in peoples minds. so it kind of has a RPG element to it. so far all of these feachers work smothley, i see no problom whatsoever with this choise of gameplay, moving on. my only complaint is proboly the last level now i said that this game's difficulty is just right but once you get to this level than wow the diffuculy just jumps right at you this can be a big problom for some people so if you're new to the game than you proboly will die alot on this level but once you play this game over and over again you remember how the level works so really theres no problom for experient players.
CONTROLS: now let me get this clear again, i see no problom with psychonuats controls. it works smoothly and calmley so there is no problum with the xbox or PS2 version, but if you where on the PC version thean you kind of would have a little problom getting use to the controles on the keyboard for this game, not saying theres a problom with it and all it's just that well, do you really see that much platformers on the PC? yeah so you'll have to buy a controller for you're PC next time.
GRAPHICS: i really don't see a diffrance in all the graphics of this game for the xbox and PS2 version, but the PC version may be a little blury (unless you have a HD computer) but the graphics in psychonauts are well weird.....Shafer has aimed for a nightmere before christmas style of art not to say that their is a problom with it at all really but you know
SOUND: the voice actors in psychoanuts are fantastic, you got the guy who played zim in invader zim as raz and other great voice actors. the music in psychonauts is good but not memorabial......i still like it though.
OVERALL: psychonauts is the best game of all time, perioud there is no problom with the game, the controls run smoothly and the graphics are fantastic, people i will say it again this is the best game ever! BUY IT NOW!!!! or download it on gametab or xbox live arcade!
SCORE: 10/10