Tim Schafer's best work next to Monkey Island.
The dialog is fresh and funny, Tim Schafer really gave its absolute all into writing the dialog. Every character in the game has their very own personality thanks to the witty-ness of the writing. The soundtrack is pretty cool as well.
Very creative, colors from all ends of the spectrum. Character design is great. The levels do a great job of representing the character who's brain your in. With out giving too much away, I will say that the further you get into the game, the more wacky the levels look.
The Story is great. The game starts out with one of the camp counslers giving a speech when Razputin, or Raz for short gets caught sneaking in. Raz ran away from his father because he hate Raz for having psychic powers. Through out the course of the story, bits and pieces of Razputin's past is reveled, same with all the other characters.
Nothing really innovated, but that doesn't mean its just the same run-of-the-mill plat-former. You also get psychic powers at your disposal to play with. You start out with no powers, but when you "clear" a consoler's brain, you are rewarded a badge with the power corresponding with the consoler's test. You also can level up your rank when you collect "figments". These are images inside of the person's brain that you are in. If you collect a certain number of them, you will rank up a level, rank up 10 levels and you will be rewarded a power, such as, pyrokenisis, telekinesis, etc.
Ok this is the only games downfall. Well it may differ if you play on console or a computer with a usb game pad, but I had to stick with the mouse and keyboard since I don't game on the pc much to warrant a game pad. It dosnt get too bad up until the end of the game where you have to get passed all these obstacles and the camera is being a bastard 90% of the time. If you can get your hand on a usb game pad, then you shouldn't really have an issue with the controls.