Ahhhh! It feels like I was teleported back to 1993 all over again!

User Rating: 9 | Punch-Out!! WII
This game is a remake of the last Super Punch Out game from 15 years ago. A lot of the characters are the same and those who remember and have played the original two games will pick this up quickly. After boxing each fighter a few attempts you will pick up their "tells" and quickly figure out the pattern. Make sure you charge up your Wii remotes because you don't want any lag when you are trying to dodge punches in sequence. The game allows you to play on harder difficulties which increases its replay value. I received a $40 bonus from work and immediately went out and ponied up another $10 to pay full price of $50. I recommend waiting to pay $39.99 which is a more fair value. At the time I have written this review I have played the game for less then 10 hours but already beaten the first level of difficulty. Actually my 5 year old daughter beat the first two fighters then I did the rest. It is a great family game and really brings back some nostalgia. Well worth owning and it also helped me to revive my interest in the Wii again. I would like to see more nostalgic titles come to life. Jumpman anyone?