Pure is soaring high in the sky.
The boxart isn't stunning to look at, but it contains a good amount of data. The front cover just shows a rider doing a trick on an ATV. Boring..., until you look at the back! Build your own ATV, awesome. Then it says some other things about the game. Good boxart! The game also fits the genre.
The gameplay is very fun. Basicly, you build your own ATV, pick a rider, then your ready for big air. Building an ATV is very simple, picking parts and changing stats. Even though you may not be a car person, you'll still be able to make one. There are game modes on the menu, for instance, World Tour. World tour is racing in different areas in the world. Lets move on. The gameplay is amazing. Complete tricks off of big slopes and hills to earn boost. As you earn boost, you can get more advanced tricks. Eventually, you get a special trick, (Full boost bar) and they look stunning. They are also really hard to pull off if you don't have enough air. The gameplay is exciting and simple.
These graphics are spectacular. The amount of detail they put into the enviroment,ATV and rider. When your ATV goes in mud, the riders back is covered in mud. Thats so freakin' awesome!
The audio is great. Love the soundtrack and the soundeffects.
Very easy to handle. Sometimes you skid in mud though.
Addicting, but less addicting than NHL 10.
Pure is a surperb racing game that will keep you playing for hours. But if you have NHL 10, you will be playing that more. The graphics are beautiful and the gameplay is fun.
I'm giving Pure a 9.0/10