SSX, PURE, SSX.... PURE, SSX Tricky!!!, AAHHH Yes PURE!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Pure PS3
This game takes me back baby, yes and thank you Disney. "Please sirs can we have some more", I have to say Disney definitely came out w/ a game that will be replayed many times until an update or new version releases; granted their are so many other games out right now that have to deal w/ off-road racing and dirt biking and even big-rigging, but this game right here gives you the option to just let it all go.... Once you take flight and start getting major height off the jumps and blazing speeds around the in-depth tracks, you will all understand where I'm coming from; the game does have some weak spots but i believe that's only because it is a Disney game. They could've worked a little harder on getting some small aspects corrected: like when your online and you want to play w/ a friend you just have to go through entirely to much, just to play w/ a friend i mean come Sony/Disney which ever one of you thought of this system need to get your brain checked, but heck other then that the all around game itself is beyond expectations sometimes. Check this you have over 6,000 modifications that you can do to your ATV and then take that vehicle online and race w/ it against other people.... Definitely a plus in my book, hope the rest of you feel the same; if you haven't yet you must check this game out.