its good, with the tricks. if it had motor bikes it would be good

User Rating: 8.5 | Pure X360
Ripping around a tight corner covered with loose glacial scree, I dig in, nail the nitrous boost and preload my bike's suspension at the top of a 45-degree jump. With a lurch, my ATV leaves the ground and launches into the air, floating hundreds of feet above the mountains of New Zealand before beginning its sickeningly fast decent. Being the cool-headed racer I am, I decide this is the perfect time to pull off a series of aerial tricks, including the Saddle Flip, in which I stand on my quad bike's seat and do a backflip in midair. I land it like a pro, bank some boost juice as a reward and speed off toward the next jump.

As you ramp up your trick availability during a race, you'll also bank nitrous boost, shown as a fluid blue wedge beneath your trick meter and controlled by the X button. Depending on what type of race you're participating in, you'll constantly balance doing tricks, which fills your boost meter, and using that boost, which takes away your ability to pull off higher-level tricks.