If only all sequels were like Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice....

User Rating: 9 | Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice PSP
The Good:

Everything is improved from the first game // It doesn't get repetitive // Good unlockables-cheats, music, pics (that you can save) and more // A good length story // Feels like a movie // On-foot action is immensely improved // Non-stop fun from start to finish

The Bad:

Rarely you go through the road // Dodging can still be a bit of a hassle.

Wow! I haven't played a better sequel to a game ever. I thought it would be more of the same, but it's massively improved in every aspect. Onfoot action has seen the biggest change in the gameplay. Its no MGS or Syphon Filter, but it's heaps better than the first game.You hold L to go into aim mode and R to fire, otherwise, it's auto lock-on if you're not in aim-mode.

The story is also improved alot, and it has a movie feel to it. Its great and works really well. You won't choose a gang and then a mission anymore, you progress through a storyline with a mixture a different gangs involved planning to cause mayhem to the city.

There are also new recruits; you are there commander, and they will help you out and support you through different missions in different ways. For example, Preach gives weapon support and Gage gives driving support. There is also helicopter support and another jumping on cars and shooting support, but they involve spoilers.

Once you have finished the story, there is alot more to do. There is a new mode called Bounty Mode, where you replay story missions to get stars on different difficulties, to buy unlockables such as cheats, super cheats, saveable pics, music and more, and Bounty mode is quite fun to do, so its a great addition.


Awesome action nonstop from start to finish and past the finish. On-foot improved dramatically and also story structure. Bounty Mode and unlockables are a great addition.


The Graphics are awesome, but the cut-scene people can look a bit weird. Their faces cn be a little pointy, but other than that, great.


All the sound effects are music are all you want.


Unlockables, Bounty Mode, and a decent lengthed Story Mode.


Overall I can't see why you wouldn't buy this game, especially if you had the first, to see the massive improvements. Its nonstop fun and a very worthy addition to anyone's PSP game collection. Get it!