A PSP game worth buying? AND an excellent sequel? It's win-freakin-win.
It's essentially the same game this time around, two of the gangs from the first game are back, as well as two new ones (A group of British stereotypes, and a group of inbred hicks), and another one later on in the game. Like the original, you fight in cars, by shooting or ramming, as well as the awesome ability to jump from car to car and frag them that way, but thats not all. The helicopter chaingunning is back, plus you now man a sniper rifle. On the PSP controls this is a complete nightmare to aim, especially when your either moving, or under a time limit (a sniper level near the end of the game will cause many failures, and possibly thrown psp's) and the on foot portions are back and slightly different, though flawed because of the psp's lack of a second analog stick. But you can switch weapons this time around, which was begged for in the original, as well as multiplayer. But i have not got to try multiplayer yet, because it's local only and i have no friends with this game.
From a presentation standpoint, PF:EJ is great. It looks incredible for a psp game, and everything animates and moves well. Things sound good too, from the cheesy VO to the gun sounds. The game also has a good but ridiculously predictable plot. (I figured out the end after the FIRST MISSION)
Plus a terrible ending that begs for apocolapse, the original ended okay, but this is a joke in comparison. However its a minor complaint at worst.
This game won't take a short time to 100%. The main story mode may last around 6-8 hours, plus you can replay all of them in bounty mode to earn stars to buy other things, like movies, art, and cheats. There is also a challenge mode, where you complete goals under certain circumstances. As well as the aforementioned multiplayer mode, theres lots to keep you busy.
In conclusion, this is one sequel that almost tops the original. If not for the terrible sniper controls and other limitations of the psp, pursuit force 2 could have been a psp must buy. Still, even with its problems, Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice is a game no psp owner shouldn't miss.