Pursuit Force is a great game for the PSP. Its visuals are crisp and slick, and the gameplay is responsive and fun, but there is little variety in what you will be doing in the game. This is one of those "love at first sight" games. When you first pick it up, you'll be completely enthralled by it and it will become hard to part with your PSP, but soon you realize that this is all there is to the game. What you are doing now is it. Then the feeling of boredom and frustration warms over, and pretty soon you are back at EB Games trading it in for a better game. It is really dissapointing since I can think of a million things they could have done to keep the game fresh. There could have been alot more strategy implemented. There could have been unlockable manuevers and weapons (as well as the abitlity to change them) and cars, there could have been meele attacks where you throw people out of tcars. And where the hell is my multiplayer? This could have been a great Burnout-esque multiplayer game. There are a thousand more things I could list here that would make this an infinitely better game. Maybe in Pursuit Force 2. Seriously, this game calls for a sequel. Overall this a great game that could have been made truly memorable. A great rental.
Just like Winning Eleven 9, I have got the European version of this game, which I got back in November (The US version is supposed to be superior in many ways to the Euro version). First off, the presentation of the game... Read Full Review
While the gameplay is easily described as exciting, it cannot be classified as deep. The ability to jump from one car to another, dispensing justice from your ever-changing arsenal of firearms, does not require a leap in... Read Full Review