fun, fast paced but hard!

User Rating: 9.1 | Pursuit Force PSP
this game is amazing in game play.
jumping from car to car in slow motion firing at the drivers with nail!
really fast paced and brilliant graphics.
this game is exceptionally hard though.
around the tenth level it starts to get really challenging and gives you ridiculously hard missions.
random storyline but still good ideas for enemies such as convicts, mafia gangs, mercenaries and loads of others.
the sounds are good, for instance cars smashing, things blowing up, gunfire and others.
bad points: gets quite repetitive after you've played a level 16 times because you just cant do it.
that stupid general always telling you how crap you are even when you win the level!

overall say: really good game but not if you don't like hard games.
and thats pretty much it. this has been my first review of anything ever so please comment, criticize or message me!