Pretty neat

User Rating: 8.4 | Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo MAC
I played this game when I was 10.

This isthe story of a little car that visits the zoo and finds that there is a problem. Some of the baby animals are missing. Ypu must find and rescue the baby animals using problem solving skills. I must admit, these puzzles were challenging. Example (the baby snake is lost in an arctic region of the zoo and you must find something to warm him up. You must you the hot cocoa you find in the stand at the start of the game. Teamed up with your trusty canine companion, you go off looking for items that might help you in your quest.

This game is great played for the first time but has very little replayability due to the fact that you know the answers to all of the puzzles. The hockey mini-game is addicting. You can also paint putt putt (the car) deifferent colors aside from his default purple coat at the paint shak, which surprised me. The sad part is that it's a bit on the short side, but the time it takes to figure some of the puzzles out kind of makes up for that.

Aside from it's kiddy appearance, putt putt saves the zoo delivers, and will keep you addicted from beginning to end, and for the price, it's a little time-waster to look out for.