Avast ye mate, at first sight, the game looks boring, but as soon you start the puzzling you just can't stop playing it!
At first sight, the game looks boring, but as soon you start the puzzling you just can't stop playing it. Great tutorials that teach you quite well how to play them. Pillaging is great and teamwork is essential to defeat other ships on battles, but all you need is to puzzle on a station. There are regular events, so whenever you're bored on puzzling, you can join any event, tournament, blockade, etc.
Another great thing is that the game is run basically by its community. While the developers dedicate their times to improve this great game that it's always having something new on its regular updates. The online help (the YPPedia, a wiki based webseite), the game economy, most of game events are all player driven, what makes this game experience unique, on this innovative and tottaly different online game. Believe me, there is no other MMOG like Yo-ho-ho Puzzle Pirates, and the low monthly subscription is worth its price.
Yarr! Grab your sword (or bludgeon) and go pillage the seas!