This game really isn't that good. And for people who really like it yes i have played it and i know what it's like. Basically all you do for years and years is work on a ship by doing the most boring, stupid work ever on someone else's ship. Yeah, being in a crew is awesome. Yeah, playing poker with people is super awesome. Yeah, everything else sucks. Okay, so let's say that a friend gave you a ship or you managed to play for years and get a ship (impossible). Well, it is still not fun because you can't leave when you are sailing a ship or elese it will be lost in the middle of the ocean, and ship rides take about 30 minutes or more. What's more is that you have to buy items to start a ship ride! And once you get enough money TO play poker, eventually you just lose it all and have to do more boring digital labor. It's a hassle. And usually you will run into some mean guys playing poker and they will cuss or say something ugly to you if you win the hand. Then you say something to defend yourself and they BAN you! NO FRICKIN SECOND CHANCES! Some guy said something inapropriate about my mom so i told him to shut the frick up and i got reported and BANNED! Trust me don't get into this game, eventually it will turn out to be your worst nightmare. Please just listen to my review because all the other people giving it 10s probably haven't played to the game's full extent like i have.
A very good game. The puzzles were some of the best i've ever played. The government in the crews and the flags were very thought out and well put together. It's best to have it as it is an Internet game instead of a dis... Read Full Review
Excellent game. Definitely one of my favorites. Very easy to play , easy to catch on, and most importantly highly addictive. Probably the best thing about this game, is its non-linear direction. There's no 'point cou... Read Full Review