A great game all together which is so much fun but gamespot is right the enemies are very annoying and hard.

User Rating: 9 | Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords PSP
At first glance i never bothered to play this game but one day i started playing i couldnt stop playing and i couldnt help myself to play as every single class. but the game has so much to offer like a classic puzzle system which is so much fun!!! and also the 4 classes that there are which a quite different from each other . the game also offers mounts and different spells to capture from monsters and a customizable castle for yourself. and also this game offers armor and leveling up its rpg and puzzle combined which amazingly doesn't destroy any genuine rpg and tactics gameplay. this game is a superb mix of the two with many enemies you can fight in single mode if you want. i spent a lot of time beating this game once but i couldn't help myself from doing it some more. i just simply love this game because i love puzzles and rpg so much. and this game fuses both elements giving it a great twist or some would say an edge

conclusion this game rocks and is a must get for those love rpg and puzzle game it'll satisfy you for a while.