A combonation of 2 likely game genre's. What happens when you take a bejeweled-based game and mix it with RPG elements.
But after about 5 minutes, I knew everything i needed to know to get started.
If you have ever played Bejeweled, you'll feel right at home.
You fight 1 on 1 against the enemy. To damage the enemy, you must match up Skull icons to reduce his hp. You characters strength and attributes will determine the amount of damage done. Exp. points and gold are earned aswell when matching the appropriate icons.
But what about all the other colors on a bejewelled board ? Green, Red, Yellow and Blue are used as Mana (magic) to cast spells in the game. Spells range from making your opponent lose a turn, draining your opponents mana/hp, doubling your attack power or just dealing straight up damage. There are many spells to learn in this game which makes it much more interesting and addictive to play. You can also gain spells from enemies which you willl eventually be able to "capture". The story line is also fairly interesting. The story is told mostly by scenes with text and excellent character/scenery drawings. You can choose multiple characters and classes to start out as. Some classes will be better at magic and others will be better at attacking. The music is also pretty good and suits the game very well.
All in all this game is a pleasant surprise. My only warning is that you shouldnt start playing this before you have something important to do. I dont think ive ever played a more addicting game. I can GUARANTEE you'll say to yourself "Okay, one last fight and thats it" when your trying to put this game down.
The game is also fairly lengthy making it well worth the purchase.