A fun game that suffers from horrendous AI cheating & game inbalances

User Rating: 7 | Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords DS
The game is a lot of fun - you've probably read the review so you know what it's about. I have played easily 40+ hours already! I would score it higher but the game cheats like crazy at the Normal difficulty levels - the only reason I've played it so long is by playing it Easy. The game dynamics are fun although it is possible to build up game balance-breaking skills & spells. Still, a fun title to pick up at a discount, particularly if you like Bejewelled. The fiction is faux-fantasy funny and the writing is great in its total boredom with the subject. Good times!
Of note - the audio on the DS version sounds broken! It's terribly repetitive and generally I play with it off - mileage may vary.