Some major issues prevent this game from being truly great.
-Exciting, fast-paced racing
-Nice visuals
-Well-designed tracks
-Good item variety
The Bad:
-Unforgiving for players in last place
-Not quite polished
For the most part, Pyroblazer is a great game. The tracks are designed well. You can race each track in night or day and in the normal or reversed direction. The visuals are likewise good (at least at the high speed you'll be racing at). Each 'blazer' (vehicle you race in) has a unique look and feel to it. The game also provides the player with a wide array of weapons and other items.
That being said, you may be wondering what's wrong with the game. There are two issues. One severe and one not as important. I'll begin with the more trivial problem (skip to MAJOR ISSUE below if you don't want to read this). Some parts of the game do not feel entirely polished. This is truly a minor qualm, but is somewhat annoying nevertheless. For example, after a race is over, the game brings the player to a victory screen which shows the overall times it took each blazer to finish the race. All opponents that finished after you always finished AT THE SAME TIME. Obviously, this isn't true. Another example of incompleteness is when you play a team race. When the race is finished, the game displays a chart with each player's position and number of points he/she/or the computer was awarded. Not that it is all that difficult to total up the points yourself and determine who won, but a more polished game would likely display "RED TEAM WINS" or a similar message. Instead, you see something like this:
1. [NAME] RED 15pts
2. [NAME] RED 10pts
3. [NAME] BLUE 8 pts
4. [NAME] RED 6pts
5. [NAME] BLUE 3pts
6. [NAME] BLUE 0pts
Sure, you can calculate it yourself, but still...
The final example I will give is setting up a quick race. When defining the parameters for the race, the player has the ability to choose what blazers the opponents will race in. However, I have yet to be able to choose any of the blazers I have unlocked. I can only assign the blazers I had at the beginning of the game to my opponents. Fortunately this issue does not extend to the actual player and he/she can choose unlocked blazers if he/she so wishes.
My main issue with this game involves mines. In some courses mines do not present much of a problem; however, often times mines give a humongous advantage to leading players. The tight corridor-like nature of most of the tracks means that there are many areas where you absolutely cannot dodge a mine. No matter how far in advance you see it, no matter how much time you have to dodge it, you just can't. Needless to say, if you're in last place you'll be facing a lot more mines than someone in 2nd or 3rd. The mines serve to create an imbalance in the game. There are many creative mines and it's a shame to say they should be removed, but quite frankly, they should. At least, all the mines except for the most basic one. The basic mine requires that you physically hit it to set it off. This means that players should be able to avoid it in most situations, but still adds to the strategic depth of the game. The problem with many (if not all) of the other mines is that they have higher ranges of effect. For example, proximity mines explode if you are anywhere near them and in a game where you can never be far from any of the boundaries of the passage you're in, this means that most of the time it is impossible to avoid. The same goes for the electric mine. It shoots electricity at anyone 'near' it. Near effectively means the entire width of most parts of the track. There are many more mines and they all present the same kind of issue.