A Fisrt Person Shooter that sparks some noise for the Xbox 360.

User Rating: 9 | Quake 4 X360
Quake 4 for the Xbox 360 is a first person shooter where you have to destroy the forces of an alien race called the strogg as they try and destroy earth. The game has a lot of new features then the previous games in the series as well as a new look to the way the game is presented.

Graphics- 9
The graphics look amazing in this game. The player models are very well done and the walls, terrain, and the machinery are all done with great detail. There have been reports from other people saying the game lags in the graphic department, but i say they are wrong. The game may not look the best it can be, but its pretty good for what it presents.

Game play- 9
There have been a lot of questions and concerns about the game play for Quake 4. There are a lot of new features in the game such as squad support, where you fight side by side with other marines. There will be some marines throughout the game that will replenish your health and armor, making the game a lot easier to complete. Some people have said that the game tends to lag when you are shooting a gun for long periods of time or when there are lots of enemies on the screen at once, but once again, i have seen none of these to be true. The game plays extremely well and you will find yourself shooting more than you would exploring like in the other titles of the franchise.

Mulitplayer- 4
Multi player mode is pretty much the same as Quake 3 except a few added features that are new to the series. If you loved the multi player mode for quake 3, then you will see that its the same, but if you have never gone online with the quake series, then you will find a new experience apart from the single player game.

Replay Value- 7
There are lots of achievements to unlock as you play the game through as well as online achievements you can earn. The achievements in the single player game will require you to play through the game multiple times as well as on all of the difficulty settings that the game allows you to play on. The game takes about five to eight hours to complete, depending on the difficulty you are on and your skill level of first person shooters.

Overall- 9
The game is a must buy for a first person shooter. If you are new to the genre or the quake series, then i would recommend you buy the game, but a rental will suffice since the game can be beaten during the rental time period. Fans of the series will love this game and say that its the best thing to happen to the game series, except maybe the multi player which is pretty much the same as Quake 3.