ID did it again! No deserve that Gamespot rating at all.
The game DOESNT deserve that 6.6 on rating, in this page we make the average from gameplay, graphics, sound blah blah blah, n we shall compare with the PC version, only the lack of better detail on graphics, THATS ALL, n i mean it, however has good enough graphics. the game has the DOOM 3 tech, so if u played doom 3 ull feel it familiar. The gameplay is good, good weponry, and that right amount of enemies makes the game full of action...n even better when they came out from the floor or higher places.
My opinion here is:
GET IT!, if u like shooters ull like it; i love em and maybe thats why i liked it, but ive played shooters that rly doesnt worth even the time.
The game includes Quake 2 also!.
n more if it worth a 20 dlls equivalent.
Centruroides opinion