Other than the framerate problems a very enjoyable game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Quake 4 X360
I think people have been a little too harsh on the 360 version of Quake 4, other than the framerate problems this is a very solid game, the graphics are pretty good, standard choice of weaponry, lots of bad guys and a few bosses to blast away.
Theres nothing innovative about Quake 4, it uses the Doom 3 engine and looks like Doom 3, even some of the enemies look like they could have come from Doom 3.
There has been some improvements over Doom 3, for example you can weild some weapons and have a flashlight on at the same time, the environments are bigger and even include some outdoor areas and there are few vehicles you can use too.
The levels are very linear and occasionally you have to do abit of backtracking, i liked the parts where you get to fight with other soldiers, usually rhino squad, it makes the game feel you are part of a war rather than just a one man army.
The main criticisms of this game is the framerate which can vary quite abit throughout the game, this bothers some more than others, for me it wasnt a big issue and played the game without any problems.
I liked the audio in the game, the weapons are loud, theres occasionally movie type music in the background, and of course theres lots of exploding barrels.
Overall i enjoyed the game, i think it deserves more than the 6.6 that gamespot gave it.