I love single player game. I remember playing games that only offer that and my word they did a fantastic job at the story telling. Quake 4 "sort of" remind me of those days, when you just want to keep playing to figure out the story. It's intense and quite capable of keeping you going without losing your interest. Enermy AI is simple and Squad AI doesnt ususally get in your way. From a single player purist point of view, I wish the story can be a bit longer and involve more teammate back story. Nevertheless, it's a fantastic game, and really I dont care for multiplayer...
What can I say? It is truly a fun FPS to play. The game looks splendid and 3x better looking than Doom 3. The textures look very good and characters models are done very well. The smoke effects from a fire after an explo... Read Full Review
Built on Doom 3's technology, I expected this game to be very much like its counterpart. And it is, but more fine tuned. The graphics are arguably the best ever made. The gameplay is excellent, your enemies are tough, an... Read Full Review