Might have been there, and done that already, but it has never been done this good.
So, my local Gamestop told me that Quake 4 on the Xbox 360 would be better, so I had reserved it for the 360. But then I thought about it; no map editor, no mods, higher resolution on a monitor, mouse and keyboard vs. game pad, etc. So I changed my mind right quick, went to Gamestop, and bought the PC version.
So what was I expecting as I installed this latest incarnation of Quake? Pretty much what I found when I played it. Let's face it, Quake is Quake is Quake. If it ain't broke don't fix it. And that's the philosophy behind the game. Pretty much what we have is Quake 3 on steroids. The graphics are to die for. Everything is rendered to perfection in all its gory detail.
After playing games like Joint Operations and Battlefield 2, I wasn't sure how I'd take going back to regular old Deathmatch. I must say I'm back, and I couldn't be happier. Nothing is more satisfying than adrenaline pumping arena combat.
The sound is spot on and basically what you'd expect from a Quake game. Nothing revolutionary, but that pretty much sums up Quake 4 as a whole.
The game may not be revolutionary, but Quake has never been done this well before. I say this is the best version of Quake. You get your standard awesome Deathmatch gaming PLUS a good single player game if that's your thing. But as I stated I have not spent any time with single player as multi player is where the Quake action is at for me.
So all in all, I got my money's worth. I've always been more fond of the gory and eerie Quake atmosphere vs. the Unreal Tournament series, and I found my latest FPS fix with Q4. Thanks Raven and id!