i loved this game, heaps of fun money well spent and much much much better then the older quake's

User Rating: 9.7 | Quake 4 PC
this game lasted me rather a long while but that was on easy now onto the hard stage :) took me about a month to complect on easy, so is rather a good challnge for action fans. this game is simeler to doom, prey and ducke but much better story and graphics. the good: graphics ROCK! sounds great really gets you in the mood, and unlike most other games like doom you are often with members of your own squade and they can die so if you like to stick in a group try to keep them safe. the bad: umm ok their is nothing really bad about it lol just the dvd edition is nothing special.

overall worth the money and can intertan for hours and i found i can replay on a harder level without being board.