Great FPS that will give you an action/FPS fix!!!
Graphics: Doom 3 engine looks great. Graphics are still top notch for the pc, but i have heard the 360 version suffers from performance issues.
character models are great, and so are the textures. Handles well with midrange graphics cards.
Sound is great, great SFX.
gameplay: Great FPS but i feel that some of the guns dont carry the punch they should with exception of the shotgun (handgun is practically worthless). You get a variety of game play such as using a mech (awesome), using a tank, and a gunner position.
Gameplay is solid but nothing revolutionary.
Multiplayer portion is available, but havent had much time to play it. Looks ok.
Overall, the game is definitely worth your time, kept me coming back to continue the fight. Decent game length and is the perfect action FPS fix. This game is just plain fun.