A really impressive, and maybe the best game of 1997.
Well, Quake 2 starts out with you crashing through the ceiling in some capsule with something written on it(there was no apparent cinematic, so I figured). You pick up your trusty blaster and start gibbing Stroggs right from the start of the game. I am sure I could've written more, but I haven't played Quake 1 yet so I can only tell you what I saw in Quake 2.
Story: I do not rate the game by it's story unless it was developed after 1998, even though this game was developed only one month away from 1998, I still won't.
The good: You have your little log that gives out missions will give you a brief idea of what's happening, crazed prisoners will give you an idea of what Strogg will like you to be and how Strogg will like you to die.
The bad: Hey! Don't judge an old game so harshly!
The Good: A large variety of enemies that don't require a great AI to have fun with. Great guns with good sounds and satisfying kills.
Gibs. Great Multiplayer! Good replay value.
The Bad: Once you have learned every aspect of the single-player, it will be too easy even on hard mode. This doesn't hurt the replay value much, but I like a challenge.
The Good: Quake 2 engine is better than the former ID games' engine, but it is not a great advantage over future games.
The Bad: This engine will not be as good compared to games like Half-life, Unreal and UT when Quake 3 comes out, needs improvement.
Overall - Quake 2 brings the old-school action to life and entertains you all the way to the end, but when you learn how to deal with every enemy in the game - it gets kinda way too easy... even the last boss might take you seconds to kill if you know what to do. The game is still very entertaining. Great multiplayer! The graphics engine was the best at it's age - 1997, but sooner it will need improvement due to the release of games like Half-life or Unreal with their beautiful graphics and such.
Score - Gameplay - 9.5
Graphics - 9
Story - N/A