Even better than Halo
The story is you have been selected to compete in a deathmatch league with the best warriors. The thing about this league, no one really dies. If you do, you are borught back to life. The ruler of this area enjoys this kind of entertainment and doesn't want his contestants to die off.
The single player mode is split into 2 areas, the main game with preselected matches, and skirmirsh mode. Story mode is you fight preselected enemies on a predetermined map to a number of kills. You work your way up through the ranks untill you figth Xero, the current champ. You beat him, you beat the main game. You can play through all the levels any time you want after unlocking them.
The matches are seperated into Tiers. There is about 4 battles per tier with 7 tiers. It doesn't lat too lonf, but the battles stay fun for a long time.
Skirmish mode is where most time will be spent. You can select what bots, how many, where you will fight, what style of match, what team they are all one (in team games), and how hard they are.
There are 5 difficulties. Each one is completly different from the rest. The lowest difficculty can be used to easily beat the game, then play certain levels again to test how good you really are. The second lowest difficulty raises the bar pretty high. The AI gets better aim and plays much different.
The same repeats for all but the highest. The highest diffuculty will have you crying "CHEAT" and "HAXOR" by how much better they are. You can take little damage and they are extremly good shots. You better be real good before attempting that difficulty.