The gameplay is a breath of fresh air that implements run and gun tactics with insaine map design.
The multiplayer is the heart of the game and will leave you coming back for more. Many inventive guns, enough game types, and replayability up the ying-yang. Graphics of course are out dated... but graphics aren't everything and this is something that plagues the current wave of next-gen consoles and games. Gameplay should always trump the visuals or else the devlopers are just polishing a turd!
The sound... yikes, i guess its fun hearing your character being cursed at by the other players but it gets old very very quick.
Bottom line is that this is a solid classic shoot'em up that is a nice change from the mainstream flow of world war shooters.
I highly recommend this game for people who are looking for a break from the conventional WWII or Battlefield2-esque games.