Simply the best and most competitive multiplayer game out there.. and it's free!
It downloads maps as and when needed and there is ALWAYS games going on to play. The training is a little bit brief for anyone who hasn't played this or any quake game previously, but if you get past that and can stand dying a LOT on your introduction to the game, you will learn to love it.
Rocket jumping, Plasma climbing, strafe jumping, turn jumping - All skills you will have to master if you want to be top of the leaderboards on this game, as well as an insanely good aim.
I've played quake since the original quakeworld, right through to quake live, so none of it was alien to me and I can defend myself quite well. For new players though, this will be one unforgiving experience in multiplayer gaming... all I can do is suggest you don't give up, watch some demos of the pros and keep at it. It is MASSIVELY rewarding and I still haven't found an adrenaline rush like this in any other game - After every close fought duel, my heart is abolutely thumping.. just can't beat it.
This isn't call of duty... it's a much more brutal, skillful game.