Quake Live is the best in the Quake 1-4 Series.
The skins and textures are re-vamped. The servers are awesome. No lag at all. It is Free. Many players play it.
But there is only a few small Biffs I have against this game which will not attract some new players.
There is no pest list. So if you meet a trash talker punk egotistic retard you can't put him on your ignore list and shut him up from whispering you or even spamming you messages in front of all his buddies.
At the moment. I don't think there is anyway to not allow Pros to come in and walk all over the noobs at their own will. Only thing you and your friends can do is leave game and find another game that doesn't have Pros. But yet again I may be wrong about that. I will update this review if I find anything else about this part of my Biff.
Now if you join as a spectator.. and you just watch the game trying to learn, I don't think its right for people to boot you from the game. But It is allowed. They can pretty much gang kick you all they want from the game and you can't do jack about it.
But like I said before the Quake Live is the best 1st person shooter that does not have vehicles and focuses around killing people only and not dieing. And its FREE!! How good is that?